About Labour Force Survey


The Labour Force Survey provides estimates of employment and unemployment. With the release of the survey results only 10 days after the completion of data collection, the LFS estimates are the first of the major monthly economic data series to be released. LFS data are used to produce the well-known unemployment rate as well as other standard labour market indicators such as the employment rate and the participation rate.

import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import matplotlib_inline.backend_inline

from importlib import reload
import teachingcity
from teachingcity import labourforce, building, retail


lfs_2021_10 = labourforce.dataframe(years=[2021], months=[10])

We have collected 34 months of the labour force survey from 2019/01 to 2021/10.

The data set contains 60 attributes including but not limited to:

  • Date of survey

  • Demographic information (gender, age)

  • Geographic location

  • Nature of employment (industry and status)

  • Salary

A complete list of the attributes are included below.

A glance of the data

pl.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
df = lfs_2021_10.groupby(lfs_2021_10.naics_21).hrlyearn.mean().dropna()
df.index.name = 'Wage by industry for 2021/10'

Appendix: Labour Force Survey Attributes

attrs = labourforce.attributes()
attr label
0 age_12 Five-year age group of respondent
1 age_6 Age in 2 and 3 year groups, 15 to 29
2 agyownk Age of youngest child
3 ahrsmain Actual hours worked per week at main job
4 atothrs Actual hours worked per week at all jobs
5 availabl Availability during the reference week
6 cma Nine largest CMAs
7 cowmain Class of worker, main job
8 durjless Duration of joblessness (months)
9 durunemp Duration of unemployment (weeks)
10 educ Highest educational attainment
11 efamtype Type of economic family
12 estsize Establishment size
13 everwork Not currently employed, worked in the past
14 finalwt Standard final weight
15 firmsize Firm size
16 flowunem Flows into unemployment
17 ftptlast Full- or part-time status of last job
18 ftptmain Full- or part-time status at main or only job
19 hrlyearn Usual hourly wages, employees only
20 hrsaway Hours away from work, part-week absence only
21 immig Immigration status
22 lfsstat Labour force status
23 lkansads Unemployed, placed or answered ads
24 lkatads Unemployed, looked at job ads
25 lkemploy Unemployed, checked with employers directly
26 lkothern Unemployed, other methods
27 lkpubag Unemployed, used public employment agency
28 lkrels Unemployed, checked with friends or relatives
29 marstat Marital status of respondent
30 mjh Single or multiple jobholder
31 naics_21 Industry of main job
32 noc_10 2016 NOC (10 categories)
33 noc_40 Occupation at main job - 2016 NOC (40 categories)
34 paidot Paid overtime hours in reference week
35 payaway Paid for time off, full-week absence only
36 permtemp Job permanency, employees only
37 prevten Job tenure with previous employer (months)
38 prioract Main activity before started looking for work
39 prov Province
40 rec_num Order of record in file
41 schooln Current student status
42 sex Sex of respondent
43 survmnth Survey month
44 survyear Survey year
45 tenure Job tenure with current employer (months)
46 tlolook Temporary layoff, looked for work during the l...
47 uhrsmain Usual hours worked per week at main job
48 unemftpt Unemployed, type of job wanted
49 union Union status, employees only
50 unpaidot Unpaid overtime hours in reference week
51 utothrs Usual hours worked per week at all jobs
52 whyleftn Reason for leaving job during previous year
53 whylefto Reason for leaving job during previous year (l...
54 whypt Reason for part-time work
55 wksaway Number of weeks absent from work
56 xtrahrs Number of overtime or extra hours worked
57 yabsent Reason of absence, full week
58 yaway Reason for part-week absence
59 ynolook Reason for not looking for work during the ref...