{:check ["true"], :rank ["repository" "commits" "staging"]}


Anatomy of Git

  • git has a complex model in order to accommodate the many possible workflow in code management.



  • Git converts a UNIX directory into a versioning filesystem, known as a repository.


\$ cd <path to directory>
\$ git init

The Git magic

├── branches
├── config
├── description
├── HEAD
├── hooks
│   └── ...
├── info
│   └── exclude
├── objects
│   ├── info
│   └── pack
└── refs
    ├── heads
    └── tags

9 directories, 16 files


  • Tree

    We call a snapshot along the timeline in a versioning filesystem a tree.

  • Commit

    A commit is a snapshot in the timeline. It has a tree as well as a unique identifier, known as its hashcode.

  • Repository

    Commits in .git/ Each commit is a tree.

  • Staging area

    A delta tree that will be added to the HEAD to form the next commit.

  • Working directory

    A normal UNIX directory for us to work with the files in the repository.



  • Definition

    A commit a snapshot in a timeline.

  • Naming

    Each commit has a unique identifier, known as its hash code. The hash code is derived from the contents of the files in the commit.

    The full hash code is a 40-character long hex string: 6d9bb11bc195a0d928ac830886124b0c81d91bb8. However, in practice, one can refer to a commit with a shorted prefix as long as the prefix can uniquly identify the commit. E.g. 6d9b is most likely sufficient to refer to the commit.

  • Parents

    Each commit is derived from other commits:

    1. The initial commit does not have parents.
    2. Most commits have one parent.
    3. When we merge two branches, we create commits that have two parents.

Special commits

  • Branch

    Branches represent alternate timelines. A branch is a pointer to the latest commit in its timeline. As the timeline is extended with new commits, the pointer moves automatically. There is always the default branch, typically named the master branch.

  • Head

    The commit that we focus on is called the HEAD. Think of HEAD as a pointer to any commit. But in normal workflow, HEAD should be pointing to a branch.



  • The Working Directory

    We recall that the working directory is the normal filesystem directory that mirrors the content of some particular commit in the repository.

    * =======>  <working directory>
  • Staging

    We can perform any modifications to the <working directory>. The modified working directory will be used to create a new commit in the branch. However, we cherrypick the changes made in the working directory to be included in the new commit.

    Picking changes to be included in the new commit is called staging.

    * ==============> <working directory>
        +---------+    | changes
        | staging | <--+
        |         |    | more changes
        |         | <--+
  • Commit

    Eventually, we are happy with the accumulation of changes in the staging area, and saves the snapshot of the repository as a new commit.

      * ==============> <working directory>
      |                  |
      |   +---------+    | changes
      |   | staging | <--+
      |   |         |    | more changes
      |   |         | <--+
      |   +---------+
      |        |
      |        |
      * <------+ commit