{:check ["true"]}


Lisp - a syntax free programming language

Extensions to $\lambda$-Calculus

  • $\lambda$-calculus is all about syntax.

    • names are expressions

    • $(f\ e_2)$ is an expression

      where $f$ is the function expression, and $e_2$ is the argument.

    • $\lambda x.\ e$ is an expression

  • Generalize $\lambda$-calculus to support multiple arguments.

    • We can apply functions with multiple arguments:

      $(f\ e_1\ e_2\ e_3\ \dots)$

    • We can also extend the $\lambda$ notation with multiple argument names.

      $\lambda x.y.z.\ \dots$


  • Lists are a really simple data structure:

    • A list of integers: (1,2,3,4)
    • A list of strings: ("hello", "world", "again")
    • Lists can be nested and heterogeneous: (1, 2, ("hello", "world"), 3, 4)
  • $\lambda$-calculus expressions are (nested) lists!

    $\lambda$-calculus List representation
    $(+\ 1\ 2\ 3)$ (+ 1 2 3)
    $\lambda x.y.\ (+\ x\ y\ 10)$ ($\lambda$ (x y) (+ x y 10))
  • Code can be expressed as lists.

    • $\lambda$-calculus is Turing Complete.
    • $\lambda$-calculus can be encoded as lists.


    • Any code can be expressed as lists.


  • Lisp (list-processing) is one of the oldest programming language designed to rely on list-based representation of $\lambda$-calculus.

  • Expressions are exclusively expressed as nested lists.

    (define (fibo n) 
      (cond ((= n 0) 1)
            ((= n 1) 1)
            (true (+ (fibo (- n 1) (fibo (- n 2)))))))

    Look: there is no syntax - just nested lists.

    This is valid Racket code.

The magic of Lisp

  • Learning a Lisp-based language requires:

    1. Little time to learn the syntax. Learning syntax is fun, but often does not yield immediate productivity.

    2. A lot more times to learn the semantics of functions. Learning what functions are available leads to productivity immediately.

  • Lisp code is data.


    Definition: Homoiconic languages

    Suppose that a programming language $L$ can describe data as well as code. Let $L^\mathrm{data}$ be the sub-language that describes data. We say that $L$ is homoiconic if all programs in $L$ can be described by $L^\mathrm{data}$.

  • Programming Languages


    Generally speaking $$ L = L^\mathrm{code} \cup L^\mathrm{data} $$

    Homoiconic languages have the property of: $$ L\subseteq L^\mathrm{data}$$


    $$ L = L^\mathrm{data} $$

  • Macros

    We can generate lisp code easily programmatically. So, Lisp code can generate Lisp code. This leads to the possibility of macro programming.

About Clojure

  • Clojure is a Lisp.

    Clojure is a homoiconic dialet of Lisp. It provides a rich set of data structures going well beyond nested lists.

  • Clojure is Java.

    Clojure runs on top of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Clojure code is compiled into JVM bytecode, and can interoperate with Java code natively.

  • Clojure is industrial.

    Many companies rely on Clojure in production.