{:check ["true"]}
Computations is about entering a problem to an automated system (the computer), and have the computer produce the correct answer to the problem.
an example of a problem is integer addition as given by: Given two integers a and b, what is the sum a+b?
Instance of the problem
An instance of a problem is a concrete specification so that there is a well-defined answer. An example of an instance of addition is:
- a = 10
- b = 2
An algorithm for a problem is a procedure that can compute the answer of every instance of the problem, for example a function
int add(int a, int b)
Do all mathematical problems have an algorithm?
To answer the question, we must be able to define what an algorithm is.
For every meaningful problem, there exists a well-defined encoding that maps each instance to a finite string consisting of 0 or 1.
For example, consider the integer addition problem. Can you think of an encoding that maps every instance of the problem to a binary string?
Some notations:
- Let $\mathbf{P}$ be the set of all instances of a problem.
- Let $\mathrm{sol}(\mathbf{P})$ be all possible solutions of the instances of $P$.
An algorithm is a function $\mathcal{A}: \mathbf{P}\to\mathrm{sol}(P)$
A language based definition:
Alan Turing had a brilliant realization that we only need to work with (binary) strings to reason about computation
For any problem, we have the following functions:
- $\mathbf{Encode} : \mathbf{P}\to \Sigma^*$
- $\mathbf{Decode} : \Sigma^* \to \mathrm{sol}(\mathbf{P})$
Language implementation of algorithms
A function
$f:2^*\to 2^*$
is an implementation of a given algorithm $\mathcal{A}$ if:$$\forall x\in\mathbf{P}: \mathbf{Decode}(f(\mathbf{Encode}(x))) = \mathcal{A}(x)$$
Turing Machine
- Encodes instances of problems on a tape.
- Performs stateful memory manipulations.
- Encodes instances into mathematical expressions.
- Performs expression transformations.